On 5/12/22 03:15, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
With xev, buttons 1 and 3 are correctly identified but the middle button
is randomly assigned 4,5,6 or 7.  Possibly this is the problem as I know
the application is expecting button 2.

Maybe it is the desktop environment or the window manager that messes
this up.

Try installing and using fvwm1 or something of similar age instead of
what you are using currently and do the same test, or if you know how,
run bare Xorg.


It can also be the xserver config if you happens to have a xorg.conf
that is picked up by X. Configs like buttonmapping and things related
to emulateweel can mess this up. Look in man evdev (or man mousedrv).

  Look in your X11 log file for clues:
$ man xorg | grep -A8 ' -logfile'
        -logfile filename
                Use  the file called filename as the Xorg server log file.  The
                default log file when running as  root  is  /var/log/Xorg.n.log
                and  for  non root it is $XDG_DATA_HOME/xorg/Xorg.n.log where n
                is the display number of the Xorg server.  The default  may  be
                in  a  different  directory  on some platforms.  This option is
                only available when the server is run as root (i.e, with  real-
                uid 0).

/Karl Hammar

Dng mailing list
Hi Karl,
I don't use a DE, just openbox and xterm. The regular scroll wheel mouse works correctly in both xev and the application. Button 2 is identified as 2 so I contend it has to have something to do with program(s) run to use the serial mouse.

xmodmap -pp shows the buttons mapped correctly with both mice.

The Xorg.log file has entries for USB Optical Mouse, Mouse Systems mouse and Sun mouse (when I gave that protocol to inputattach and gpm) but nothing about mouse buttons.
Best regards,
Dng mailing list

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