I think that every company is just trying to harness the open-source strength. Nowadays this is a strategical need. Having control on some open/free source software piece helps you to drive the project in the direction that you find more convenient or to kill the project the moment that you don't need it anymore. No companies are really good companies, they just do what is convenient for them, for example Firefox is tied with all two hands to Google that is in control of Chrome and Chromium too. The trick is to accept it and try to stay in balance between these lions so they don't get the full meal. Linus Torvalds at today has been one of the best at playing this game. BSD team is playing well too. I think that nowadays there are companies that are worse than Microsoft, like Amazon and Oracle just to say two. But also I think that Google pose the same threat as Microsoft, or maybe more.
I reserve the right to change my mind in the next 5 years :-)


Il 13/07/22 23:20, Jeremy Ardley via Dng ha scritto:

On 14/7/22 4:31 am, Syeed Ali wrote:
Microsoft has a great interest in embracing Linux via WSL with the
intent to obsolete the need to dual boot.  With many critical
distributions and software requiring systemd, it only makes sense to
make sure that WSL has complete support; indeed better support than on
Linux.  Combined Windows and WSL can thereby be extended nicely in ways
pure Linux cannot.

A similar take at https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/13/microsoft_linux_company


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