On Saturday 30 July 2022 at 12:07:53, Steve Litt wrote:

> On Fri, 2022-07-29 at 14:27 +0200, tito via Dng wrote:
> > https://linuxiac.com/best-systemd-free-linux-distributions/
> > 
> > I think the author knows nothing about devuan and spreads FUD
> I thought most of the Devuan review was accurate and complimentary.
> However, I've never thought of Devuan as "retro" or particularly
> inconvenient for newbies.

I regarded those comments as applying identically to Debian, and are true only 
if you choose (a) not to use the graphical installer (which the author has 
completely overlooked), and (b) fail to select "guided partitioning" and "all 
files in a single partition".  I do think the overall impression he gives is 
unfavourable and inaccurate.

I'm rather more amazed that he labels Devuan (and therefore by extension 
Debian too) as "retro" and yet gives a pretty complimentary review, in 
comparison, of Slackware!


<flopsie> yes, but this is #lbw, we don't do normal

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