Greetings all!

Did that get your attention? Good . . . :D

The wiki has been languishing in the doldrums for some time in a rather unusable state but it could become a reality if some Wiki Whisperers would step up to make it happen.

If anyone here has experience with Foswiki or other wikis, this is your moment to shine!

Once it is in a usable state, we will need a team of contributors to begin populating pages with content sourced from the forum, mailing lists, IRC, personal experience etc.

Devuan users . . . the ball is squarely in your court. Will Devuan have a wiki? It's up to YOU, !

Discussion here and on and #devuan-wiki.

Now . . . . just where are those Wiki Whisperers . . .   :D

For the love of Devuan . . . just DO IT!

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