Stephane Bortzmeyer <> wrote:
> You mention the risk coming from the resolver. That's why, IMHO, we
> should recommend people to run a local resolver, as much as possible

If (big if) you trust the resolver then you have the advantage of hiding
your iteratve queries in the aggregate behaviour of the resolver's other
users, and if the connection to your resolver is encrypted it is
relatively difficult for a snooper to work out what you are asking for. If
you run the resolver locally then it becomes really easy to do traffic
analysis on your DNS, because even if it is encrypted the attacker has
your authoritative server addresses as well as the packet sizes to work

So I don't think the trade-off is simple enough to make a blanket

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Lundy, Fastnet: South or southwest 3 or 4, occasionally 5 later. Slight or
moderate. Occasional rain with fog patches, becoming fair. Moderate,
occasionally very poor, becoming good.

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