

I have a question regarding the architecture of DNSDIST in front of an
authorative pdns instance as well as an recursor.

I`ve looked at: https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/guides/recursion.html
- however, the solutions described are kind of static.

Eg. Domains send to the auth-instance have to be specified manually in the


What I love to achieve is:


Let DNSDIST dynamicly select if a Request should be send to AUTH or

For Latency, the list of AUTH-Domains should be somehow synced locally to
the DNSDIST-Instance itself.

DNSDIST should not ask AUTH always and if it fails forward the request to
the Recursor.

Also if another Domain is added to the AUTH-Instance, this domain should be
added to the DNSDIST Config.


I tought about getting the Domain List via API on Startup and adding new
records via Control-Socket.


Has someone done a similar thing already?


PS: Sorry for some potential false spellings - i`m not native.






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