Thomas Stephens wrote:
Hello. I am using dnsmasq locally on my computer to solve a split-dns
problem with the vpnc VPN client. I've got it working, but it's very
hackish. The setup is:

When I log into my company's VPN, I need to be able to resolve company
hostnames. This is done by querying the DNS servers which are sent to
vpnc. The problem is, they only resolve internal names. Normally,
using resolvconf, vpnc will concatenate my external and internal
nameservers. However, since they are all "up" the first one queried
will respond, but will respond with host-not-found if it's the public
DNS and an internal name, or vice-versa.

I got around the problem by adding a server= line to dnsmasq.conf for
each of the nameservers. For the public nameserver, I did not specify
a domain, but for the VPN name servers, I had to specify the domain as

This mostly works, but there are some problems:

1) If my company decides to change DNS server IP addresses, I've gotta
change the dnsmasq config file.

2) When I'm not logged into VPN, all accesses to my company's domain
(i.e. fail, even if they are accessible outside the

3) corollary: I have to manually specify the address of the vpn
connection gateway with an address directive. If this IP changes I
must, again, change the dnsmasq.conf file.

The solution I'd like to implement is this: point dnsmasq at a
resolv.conf for the default nameserver, as well as a resolv.conf for
the VPN. When I connect with vpnc, the vpn-resolv.conf gets written,
and when I disconnect it gets deleted or cleared (this part I've
already implemented).

I would then tell dnsmasq that the vpn-resolv.conf file is only to be
used for domain names (either with syntax like
resolv-file=/ or by having dnsmasq read
the domain field of the resolv.conf file). This way, when the
vpn-resolv.conf file is filled in (I'm connected to the VPN), internal
names get resolved. When I'm not connected, all requests go to the
default DNS.

If this is already possible through some other mechanism, please let
me know. I'm using dnsmasq 2.40 in Debian unstable.

Two possible alternative solutions come to mind:

It's possible to include configuration sub-file from dnsmasq.conf, so you could re-write that to contain the relevent address and server lines in the vpn setup scripts. You'd have to restart dnsmasq as well.

Noting the resolvconf stuff later in the thread: I know that the Gentoo resolvconf maintainers did some work on this, and use the Dbus interface to dnsmasq to set the upstream servers for the VPN domain. You might be able to grab their code and/or ideas.

Note that I'm open to arguments that neither of these is good enough and that your orignal idea is better; I just suggest these as alternatives.




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