First my reference url is

Seems the guys at etherboot have created gPXE, Im sure that this is old news to many of you on this list, but it was news to me.

Im using dnsmasq and its built in tftp server and everything Ive tried to do with dnsmasq has worked first time. (Read: Great Job Simon!)

Now I have a question about how to integrate gPXE into my dnsmasq setup.

<quoting reference url>
When the chainloaded gPXE starts up, it will issue a fresh DHCP request and boot whatever the DHCP server hands out. The DHCP server is currently set up to hand out the gPXE image, which means that you will be stuck in an infinite loop: PXE will load gPXE which will load gPXE which will load gPXE which will load gPXE...

The easiest way to break this cycle is to configure the DHCP server to hand out gPXE only for the first DHCP request. Using ISC DHCPD, you can edit /etc/dhcpd.conf to contain:

  option space gpxe;
  option gpxe-encap-opts code 175 = encapsulate gpxe;
  option gpxe.bus-id code 177 = string;

  if not exists gpxe.bus-id {
      filename "undionly.kpxe";

<end quote>

I can't find any documentation as to if this is possible with dnsmasq, I searched the list archives for pxe boot problems but I didnt find anything related to my question.

I don't recall seeing any logic around the decision of WHICH filename option to send to pxebooted clients.

Any Ideas?

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