On Fri, 6 Jun 2008, Adam Hardy wrote:
My machine's IPv6 config seems to be up the creek.


adam@isengard:~$ sudo ping6  ::1
PING ::1(::1) 56 data bytes
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

Uhhh. That doesn't look remotely DNS-related. To be absolutely sure, though, try using the -n flag, which disables (reverse) DNS lookups.

# ping6 -n ::1

That looks like firewalling is preventing the packets from being sent, to be honest. I'd be looking more at something like:

# ip6tables -L -n

Which is totally outside the scope of this mailing list, but I try to be helpful...oh, here:

# ping6 -n ::1
PING ::1(::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms
# ip6tables -A OUTPUT -j REJECT
# ping6 -n ::1
PING ::1(::1) 56 data bytes
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

 That's my theory.


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