Carlos Carvalho wrote:
I have

in dnsmasq.conf. For a machine I have in dhcp-options:


In the log there is

dnsmasq[16090]: sent size: 21 option: 67:bootfile-name  

Checking with the ascii table this looks correct. However, the client
says it cannot find /var/remoteboot/tftpboot/pxelinux.0. Removing the
tftp-root= setting in dnsmasq.conf makes the client get the correct
/tftpboot/pxelinux.0 so the problem seems to be in dnsmasq.

It's behaving as designed: You've set the TFTP root to be /var/remoteboot, so filenames are relative to that root. The client asks for /tftpboot/pxelinux.0 so dnsmasq tries to send /var/remoteboot/tftpboot/pxelinux.0 which doesn't exist, so it returns an error, which inlcudes a message giving the complete pathname. That's what the client it displaying.

Note that if the filename includes a leading /, dnsmasq will also try assuming it's an absolute pathname, but only if the first part of the filename matches the tftp-root.

In a first look I didn't find any places where this concatenation
could happen. Note that the tftp server is not the machine running
dnsmasq in this case.
Now I'm confused. What is the TFTP server?

The dnsmasq log shows no TFTP request but I
vaguely remember Simon saying that these are not logged.

File-not-found is not logged, since it clutters up the log with lots of failed attempts by PXELinux to read possible config files.



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