On Sun, August 3, 2008 4:32 pm, Simon Kelley wrote:
> B. Cook wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I thought all of this was working as it should.. but apparently it is
>> not..
>> from the dnsmasq.log:
>> Aug  1 11:42:56 dnsmasq[32635]: DHCPDISCOVER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
>> ignored
>> Aug  1 11:43:11 dnsmasq[32635]: DHCPDISCOVER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
>> ignored
>> Aug  1 11:43:14 dnsmasq[32635]: DHCPDISCOVER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
>> ignored
>> Aug  1 11:43:21 dnsmasq[32635]: DHCPDISCOVER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
>> ignored
>> and from the config:
>>  20 # 100 stuff
>>  21 dhcp-option=net:phsalt,option:router,
>>  22 dhcp-range=phsalt,,,,5m
>>  23 dhcp-ignore=net:phsalt,#known
>>  24
>>  25 dhcp-host=00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d,,net:phsalt # someprinter
>>  26 dhcp-host=00:30:6e:c6:13:e6,,net:phsalt # hplj1150_hs143
>> I have tried dhcp-ignore without the net: as well and it does not seem
>> to
>> cause an error either way..
>> I am trying to only let certain hosts end up in the 100.0/24..
>> Not sure what I am missing..
>> can anyone help?
> You don't need to use dhcp-ignore to achieve what you're trying to do,
> the "net:phsalt" in the dhcp-range is enough to ensure that the range
> only gets used for the hosts which set the phsalt tag.
> However, I'm not sure _why_ the configuration you have is behaving as it
> does. Please could you set --log-dhcp and send me the information that
> dnsmasq logs during these DHCP transactions?
> Cheers,
> Simon.

So a few strange things..

I removed the dhcp-range=net:phsalt,#known, and still I was not able to
get an ip in the range.

I removed the dhcp-range=#known (for the whole scope of the lan) and I was
able to get an ip, dhcp-log'in showed me it was being accepted into the
phs range, so thinking that somehow net:phs and net:phsalt was not being
matched fully I :%s/phsalt/altphs/g in the configs.. and it is still being
matched inside net:phs.

Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCP packet: transaction-id is 4133013384
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: Available DHCP range: --
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: Vendor class: Hewlett-Packard JetDirect
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCPDISCOVER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCPOFFER(em0) 00:0e:7f:3b:ba:2d
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 1:netmask, 3:router,
44:netbios-ns, 6:dns-server,
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 7:log-server,
12:hostname, 15:domain-name,
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options:
22:max-datagram-reassembly, 54:server-identifier,
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 58:T1, 59:T2,
69:smtp-server, 18:extension-path,
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 144
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: tags: phs
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  1 option: 53:message-type  02
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 54:server-identifier
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 51:lease-time 
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 58:T1  00:00:1c:20
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 59:T2  00:00:31:38
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  1:netmask  ff:ff:fe:00
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 28:broadcast 
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  8 option: 15:domain-name 
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 44:netbios-ns 
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  3:router  0a:14:00:01
Aug  4 09:11:01 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  6:dns-server 

something strange I also noticed, which might also help is this:

(this is a different host)

Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCP packet: transaction-id is 1899741050
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: Available DHCP range: --
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: Vendor class: Hewlett-Packard JetDirect
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCPREQUEST(em0)
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: DHCPACK(em0) 00:1b:78:19:c9:50
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 1:netmask, 3:router,
44:netbios-ns, 6:dns-server,
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 7:log-server,
12:hostname, 15:domain-name,
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options:
22:max-datagram-reassembly, 54:server-identifier,
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 58:T1, 59:T2,
69:smtp-server, 18:extension-path,
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: requested options: 144
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: tags: phs, phs, known
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  1 option: 53:message-type  05
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 54:server-identifier
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 51:lease-time 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 58:T1  00:00:00:8a
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 59:T2  00:00:00:f7
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  1:netmask  ff:ff:fe:00
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 28:broadcast 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size: 10 option: 12:hostname 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size: 22 option: 81:FQDN 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  8 option: 15:domain-name 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option: 44:netbios-ns 
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  3:router  0a:14:00:01
Aug  4 09:10:52 dnsmasq[22625]: sent size:  4 option:  6:dns-server 

see the tags? phs, phs, known.

clues appreciated..

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