Yap, DNSMasq is much better, that's why i'd like to have this feature on it.




From: dnsmasq-discuss-boun...@lists.thekelleys.org.uk
[mailto:dnsmasq-discuss-boun...@lists.thekelleys.org.uk] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: segunda-feira, 15 de Setembro de 2008 16:52
To: dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature Request?


I'd like to do something vaguely similar, though in my case it's sending
requests in a particular domain to a given pair of servers, only when a vpn
is up (e.g. tun0). If the VPN isn't up, those servers are not reachable

I noticed the 'server=/<domain>/<ipaddr>@<interface>' variant in the docs,
but haven't had the time to investigate how it behaves if the interface in
question is down.

This is also something pdnsd can do, but dnsmasq is a much better tool for
my needs in just about every respect, and I'd really prefer not to have to
run both.


Jorge Bastos wrote: 


Simon, i'd like to ask for a feature if not implemented yet.

I've saw in other dns/dns proxy servers, the ability to serve an IP when
certain DNS host is down/doesn't respond.

Is it possible for dnsmasq, to do this, with two parameters, one for on/off
the feature, and the 2nd to specify the host/IP for the response.

With this I could for example, inside my network, redirect all broken DNS's
to my webserver specifying a host and do a webpage explaining what happened.


Is this possible?


Thanks in advanced,



PS: I saw it here, and it's something that will be very handy for me, and
I'm sure for other because of dns problems.


About: pdnsd is a Proxy DNS server for Linux and FreeBSD that is designed to
cope with unreacheable nameservers (e.g. because the dial-in link is not up)
in a graceful manner to prevent DNS-dependent applications like Netscape
from hanging. It has a permanent disk cache and supports parallel query and
a wide variety of link uptests. It also has the ability to serve some local


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