I had what I thought was a clever idea to get dnsmasq to re-read it's whole
dnsmasq.conf file when it received a SIGHUP signal.  I invoked dnsmasq with
the following command line options:
    -i eth0 --conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq.once.conf
The dnsmasq.once.conf file was basically empty except for the single line
My hope was that this would cause the dnsmasq.conf file to be read at
startup but this doesn't appear to be the case.  Nor does it appear to be
read when a SIGHUP is sent to dnsmasq.  So, I tried a variation. I added
to the dnsmasq.once.conf file.  However, this created its own problems.
Whenever dnsmasq was restarted, I started getting error messages of the form
    bad dhcp-option at line xx of /etc/dnsmasq.conf
So, my question is, is what I'm trying to do a *bad* idea or am I just doing
it wrong?

- John

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