A note on the on the .local pseudo-top-level-domain: It's used by multicast DNS, implemented on Macs primarily I think. mDNS is used by machines forming an ad-hoc network, and works in parallel with DNS. Although I can't remember my problem now, I recall a name-related race condition battle on my network when my local DNS domain also used .local . The .local entry at Wikipedia gives a similar warning:

"Name resolution issues may arise if Bonjour, Avahi, or other Multicast DNS software is used in conjunction with a network that implements the local toplevel DNS domain."
        [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.local]



Chris G wrote:
Can dnsmasq provide an alternative name for a client?

This is going on from my problem with a system that insists on calling
itself garage.local when I want it to be called garage.

Is there a way that I can tell dnsmasq that garage.local is also
garage so that requests for the address of garage will get the address
of garage.local?

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