Hello Marc

> For an interactive installation, I need everybody
> connecting to my wi- 
> fi network to be shown the same page, hosted in my
> computer.
> I have a router with Dnsmasq installed, connected to the
> computer with  
> the server, IP, so everybody looking for, ie.
> google.com,  
> yahoo.com should see only the contents in the server with
> IP
> Is that possible?

As László Monda wrote, what you are looking for is a captive portal, such as 
Chillispot (et al.) Such applications are really dedicated to providing a web 
page where visitors must enter a login and a password to continue surfing.

You can use dnsmasq to send visitors to the same IP address. Unlike a captive 
portal it can't be dynamic as you'd have to stop the redirection as soon as 
users are identified, which can't be done easily with dnsmasq and most probably 
not on a per-user basis. Moreover you'd permanently have every network packet 
sent to the same IP address, not just web traffic.

Hope this helps,
Vince C.

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