Em 08/03/2010 12:20, Simon Kelley escreveu:

     shouldnt dnsmasq provide the IP present on its lease file, given the
fact that lease was still valid ???

Good question: I can give you a partial answer, the lease gets deleted
as part of the response to the first DHCPREQUEST. Here's the code in

                   message = _("wrong address");
                   /* avoid loops when client brain-dead */
                   lease_prune(lease, now);
                   lease = NULL;

What I can't answer is what the "brain-dead" behaviour is/was that's
getting countered here. The "lease prune" call was added in version
2.41, but there's no explanation in the changelog :-(  and I can't
remember why it was added.

I suspect that some client somewhere kept trying with the wrong address
instead of falling back to a DHCPDISCOVER.

    Hi Simon,

I've checked logs and found no other 'wrong address' cases than this one. In fact all machines on this network are desktops and this one which is giving the problem is the only notebook on the network.

anyway, do you think enabling the '--log-dhcp' option can provide some useful information ? Is there any way of getting debug logging enabled AND going to background ? I've found the debug options, but seems all of them keep process in the foreground, which unfortunelly is not possible to me, as this is a small device running OpenWRT, i have no monitor/keyboard attached to this machine.

anyway, do you think debug modes could provide some useful information ?


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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