Thanks, I will try the 'log-async' option. Hopefully this will help
mitigate the problem.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Simon Kelley <> wrote:
> Justin McAteer wrote:
>> Simon, et al,
>> I have a device with a DHCP client that will occasionally go insane. I
>> have and will continue to work with the vendor, but that is another
>> discussion altogether. What happens in the particular scenario I am
>> addressing here is that the DHCP client begins sending DHCP Discover
>> messages as fast as is possiblefor the device (to the tune of about 40
>> per second). DNSMasq seems to be behaving correctly, it is responding
>> with a DHCP Offer to each query. However, I have dchp-logging enabled
>> (and I'd like to keep it that way), and I have a fair number of
>> options going out to this type of client. The symptom is that DNSMasq
>> is flooding the system log, which seems to have buffering disabled
>> because kjournald CPU usage is going up to about 50% and wait is going
>> up to about 20%, so the system basically becomes useless.
>> I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to have some kind of rate limiting
>> option in DNSMasq to help mitigate this type of problem? It seems to
>> me that this could be a potential avenue for a denial of service
>> attack.
> Without logging, I think dnsmasq is already as hard as it could be
> against this sort of attack: The DISCOVER-OFFER transaction doesn't
> allocate any memory or other resources, so extra code to detect a flood
> would only be able to inhibit sending the DISCOVER packet, which
> probably costs less than flood-detection. This problem occurred some
> time ago and revealed a problem with the way dnsmasq does ping-checks on
> the allocated addresses. That process is now rate-limited for exactly
> this reason.
> Have you tried setting log-async in /etc/dnsmasq.conf? That should
> effectively rate-limit dnsmasq's logging and may provide a complete
> solution.
>> As a side note, I believe this is a problem with the client dealing
>> with the 'infinite' lease times that we are using. I haven't exactly
>> pinpointed a repeatable scenario, but I am working on it; when I do I
>> will file another bug report with the device vendor.
> The client is broken, no doubt.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
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