if im not mistaken, you can pass a SIGUSR1 signal to the dnsmasq
process... it should send what's inside to the log...

Check here: http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/setup.html

Other configuration details:

Sending SIGUSR1 (killall -10 dnsmasq) to the dnsmasq process will
cause to to write cache usage statisticss to the log, typically
/var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages.

2010/12/20 Bernard T. Higonnet <bth...@higonnet.net>
> other than by perusing the log?
> I am trying to research a situation in which it appears (sic) that
> dnsmasq assigns an address and then when asked if it exists answers it
> does not.
> My newbie status means I could have any of this wrong...
> Bernard Higonnet
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Santiago Zarate
Consultoria de Software
  +(58) 416 911 3678

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