Am 19.02.2012 00:06, schrieb Simon Kelley:
> On 18/02/12 23:04, Conrad Kostecki wrote:
>> Am 19.02.2012 00:00, schrieb Simon Kelley:
>>> Do you have this working with another DHCP server, by any chance?
>> Hi Simon,
>> do you have any recommendation for me, which one I can test?
> I've not tried the server, but the Dibbler client and relay have
> behaved well in my testing and are easy to configure and well
> documented. ISC have a dhcpv6 server too.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
Hi Simon,
i've installed now dibbler and tried so get an ipv6 with Win7. It fails.
Win7 timeouts the same way as with dnsmasq.
Maybe you see, why its failing:

The only error I see, is: Unable to find suitable vendor-specific info
The Log @00:27:15 repeats every few seconds.

2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    My pid (28871) is stored in
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface tun0/9, MAC=5d:da:74:9d.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface ppp0/8, MAC=.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface eth2.7/7,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface sit0/6, MAC=00:00:00:00.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface wlan0/5,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface eth2/4,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface eth1/3,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface eth0/2,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Detected iface lo/1,
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Parsing /etc/dibbler/server.conf
config file...
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     0 per-client configurations
(exceptions) added.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Parsing /etc/dibbler/server.conf done.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      0 client class(es) defined.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     1 interface(s) specified in
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      Mapping allow, deny list to class
0:0 allow/deny entries in total.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      Interface eth0/2 configuration has
been loaded.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Running in stateful mode.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Bulk-leasequery: enabled=no, TCP
port=547, max conns=10, timeout=300
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      My DUID is
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      Loading old address database
(server-AddrMgr.xml), using built-in routines.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Info      DB timestamp:1329607421,
now()=1329607632, db is 211 second(s) old.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Cache:server-cache.xml file:
parsing started, expecting 1 entries.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Cache: Address
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 added for client
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Creating multicast (ff02::1:2)
socket on eth0/2 (eth0/2) interface.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Creating link-local
(fe80::20f:c9ff:fe04:fcff) socket on eth0/2 interface.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Cache: size set to 1048576 bytes, 1
cache entry size is 87 bytes, so maximum 12052 address-client pair(s)
may be cached.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Debug     Increased pools usage: currently 0
address(es) are leased.
2012.02.19 00:27:12 Server Notice    Accepting connections. Next event
in 4294967295 second(s).
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Received 88 bytes on interface
eth0/2 (socket=4, addr=fe80::25c6:4787:2746:9530.).
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     FQDN: FQDN option received: fqdn
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Warning   Option type 16 not supported yet.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Warning   Option type 16 invalid. Option ignored.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Notice    Received SOLICIT on
eth0/2,TransID=0x22a04, 5 opts: 8 1 3 39 6, 0 relay(s).
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     0 answers buffered. Old reply for
transID=22a04 not found. Generating new answer.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Notice    IA option (with IAADDR suboptions
missing) received. Assigning one address.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Client requested unspecified (::)
address. Hint ignored.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Cache: Cached address for client
(DUID=00:01:00:01:15:e9:74:8c:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) found:
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Info      Cache: Cached address
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 found. Welcome back.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Info      Client requested ::, got
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 (IAID=242020425, pref=86400,valid=172800).
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Adding client
(DUID=00:01:00:01:15:e9:74:8c:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) to addrDB.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Adding IA (IAID=242020425) to addrDB.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Adding
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 to IA (IAID=242020425) to addrDB.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Address usage for class 0 increased
by 1.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Error     FQDN is not defined on eth0/2
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Preference set to 0.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Client requested vendor-spec. info
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Unable to find suitable
vendor-specific info option.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Cache: Entry for client
(DUID=00:01:00:01:15:e9:74:8c:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) was deleted.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Cache: Address
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 added for client
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Deleted address
2a01:AAA:BBB:0:ed1c:af28:1ca:c9b8 from addrDB.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Deleted IA (IAID=242020425) from
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Deleted client
(DUID=00:01:00:01:15:e9:74:8c:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) from addrDB.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     Address usage for class 0 decreased
by 1.
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Notice    Sending ADVERTISE on
eth0/2,transID=0x22a04, opts: 3 2 1 7, 0 relay(s).
2012.02.19 00:27:15 Server Debug     1 message(s) were removed from cache.


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