On 20/07/12 11:30, Alvaro Gamez wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm just recently starting to use dnsmasq and I'm facing a problem,
> maybe it's trivial but I haven't found the answer.
> I've configured dnsmasq to set specific IP addresses to some hosts, like
> this:
> domain = ea4rct.org <http://ea4rct.org>
> dhcp-host=00:e0:4c:a4:13:ac,foxtrot,,1w
> I'd like the name, foxtrot, to be visible from the LAN, so I added:
> address=/foxtrot.ea4rct.org/
> <http://foxtrot.ea4rct.org/>
> This way, local computers can just use foxtrot or foxtrot.ea4rct.org
> <http://foxtrot.ea4rct.org> as the name for this computer.
> But this is repetitive and error-prone. Is it possible to avoid the
> _address_ line, which is redundant?

Yes, just delete those lines. It will all Just Work.



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