Hello everyone,

I am wondering if this scenario can be done with dnsmasq or if I need to go
to a heavier weight dns server.

I want to run 6-8 dnsmasq dns servers only - no dhcp.  I would like to have
more than one authoritative server or be able to have any other dnsmasq
server become authoritative if need be.
I do not want there to be any upstream servers as the domain names that
will be served are all on one domain.

I want to run about 100 static application servers that are all mirrors of
each other, and serve out the address of which of these server to go to in
a round robin fashion, returning three server IP addresses at once, and
cycling through the list of 100 servers as the dns service requests are
made. These servers are scattered all over the world too and are obviously
not on the same lan or subnet at all.  It might also be nice to use IP
geo-location to determine which application server IP address to serve up
on any DNS request.

I also want to be able to remove servers from /etc/hosts if they are

Can I do this with dnsmasq or do I need to go to a different dns server?
 If not dnsmasq, what dns server might work?  Remember that this will not
be a general purpose dns server but only be serving up in one domain
members of that domain.

I am expecting to write the system monitoring part of it all outside of
dnsasq and the part that rewrites the /etc/hosts file.

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