Dear WG,

during the DNSOP session in Philadelphia the people present felt that there
were a couple of active drafts ready for WGLC but it would be a good
idea to spread the actual Last Calls to avoid peaks of load for the
volunteer reviewers and other entities involved.  So, here's an outline
for the WGLCs to expect during the next couple of weeks.  Times may change
if a WGLC results in longer discussion that draws significant attention of
the WG.

1) draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-05.txt

   The draft is currently expired but will be revived soon.  WGLC planned
   to end 2008-04-04.

2) draft-ietf-dnsop-as112-ops-01.txt

   These will go to WGLC together, WGLC starting early April until 2008-04-18.

3) draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize-10.txt

   WGLC to start around mid April ending around 2005-05-05

4) draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-trust-anchor-01.txt

   WGLC to start in early May, tentatively ending 2008-05-23.

We have taken names for the reviewers for all five drafts, each of them
met the five reviewer thershold.  Of course, everybody else is encouraged
to send in comments as well.

Please also watch <>.

-Peter [co-chair hat on]
DNSOP mailing list

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