Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Dear colleagues, 
> I received some time ago some comments off-list on the reverse-mapping
> considerations document.  I attempted unsuccessfully to convince the
> reviewer to send his substantive comments to the WG list, but he did
> not feel comfortable with that.  (He also provided a number of helpful
> editorial comments, which we incorporated in the most recent version
> of the draft.)
> I here will attempt to summarize my understanding of his comments.
> The reviewer takes exception to the suggestion that delegations in the
> forward zone should ideally have an entry in the reverse zone too.
> Instead, he suggests, that there be _at least one_ matching reverse;
> e.g.,
>          A (PTR (ipaddr))   == ipaddr                                         
> or       A (PTR (A (fqdn))) == A (fqdn)
> but not many more.  The reviewer argues that the draft should in fact
> argue against adding multiple ("more than a handful") PTR(s) for a
> given address.

Ah. I think the issue that (presumably) the original review had was, 
that if you have, say, 100 FQDNs,
all of which have:

    A ( fqdnXX ) == A.B.C.D
    (for all values of XX ranging from 00 to 99)

then the issue is, does there need to be 100 PTR records, where

    PTR ( A.B.C.D ) == fqdnXX
    (for all values of XX ranging from 00 to 99).

I would suggest that the forward/reverse validation embodied in this, 
could better be handled
from an operational perspective, with the following alternative solution:

    CNAME ( fqdnXX ) == fqdn00
    (for all values of XX ranging from 01 to 99)

and then only the one PTR record is needed to validate the 
forward/reverse universe:

    PTR ( A.B.C.D ) == fqdn00.

It's not perfect, but may be adequate for many of the uses of 
forward/reverse matching.

It also does a better job of embodying the *intent* of both PTR and 
CNAME, when there are many
domains served/hosted on a single IP address.

(I would suggest that anyone considering doing the CNAME exercise, do so 
with sub-domain entries
rather than with the entire domain, so that SOA information can be kept 
separate for each domain.
E.g. have a real SOA for, and a CNAME for
which points to, rather than having be a CNAME pointing

> It was our (the editors') impression that the above is consistebt with
> what the draft actually says, but that it has a different emphasis.
> That is, we think the draft says that existing reverse data is
> generally good, and matching reverse is nice to have, but that you
> shouldn't take this too far.  We decided not to try to change this in
> the draft on the grounds of the support we had so far, but we're
> certainly open to changes if others think this message is garbled in
> the existing version of the draft.

I think the language in the current draft does a good job of describing 
the general use and intent
behind its own recommendation, without delving into the minutia that 
having examples iterating
over many use cases would require.

I think in all cases, it is imperative that a solid understanding of the 
implications of design choices
exists, prior to embarking on implementing a given design. It is highly 
unlikely that a BCP can
do more than guide readers on the high-level issues, and the deeper 
understanding is the
responsibility of the reader, not the authors.

Brian Dickson
DNSOP mailing list

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