Joe Baptista wrote:
> Listening would you mind explaining something here.  Do we work for
> you?  I'm pretty sure your being paid to promote your public suffix idea
> but we are not.  There are many here who are too busy to spend time
> reading your stuff, let alone go back to the web site for updates.

That's fine. But please don't ask me questions about it then.

- "I don't have time to understand this." - Fine.

- "I do have time to understand this. Here is an intelligent question."
  - Fine.

- "I don't have time to understand this so I'm going to ask uninformed
  questions." - Not fine. Not just here, but in any walk of life where
  people respect other people's time.

> Now Gerv focus.  You have come here for a reason and that is to promote
> a protocol.

No. I came here because Yngve suggested that the membership of this list
would appreciate a heads-up.

> Gerv focus.  Kindly remember your position in his affair.  You are here
> on behalf Mozilla to sell an idea and we are the people who have to be
> sold. 

No. I don't need to sell you the idea. The idea doesn't stand or fall on
the opinion of this mailing list.

> Incidentally - have you answered by question yet - or put it on the web
> site?  What happens to your web browsers behavior if I try to surf a TLD
> not on the list?

I've answered it once to you privately and once to the list. Third time:
"the same thing as now".


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