
I gave a presentation at the WG meeting on using DNS for mapping Host Identifiers to IP addresses, but there was no time for any details or discussions.

The slides and the draft are avialable at and

I apreciate your feedback/questions and would like to post this follow-up to the list and answer some of them.

1) Olaf: Why use DNS for flat identifiers?

The Domain Name System is commonly deployed mapping system and existing recursive resolvers can cache the link to the second level, such as
     86400 IN      CNAME

and location information (A/AAAA) for static hosts (default TTL is 2, but for static hosts it may be much longer). Use of the DNS simplifies the deployment. It requires minimal effort from the network operator to start providing mapping service, i.e. only configuration change in the software well-known to them.

2) Can you use HIT for updates? IP addresses are not reliable for auth.

A HIT is created by taking a cryptographic hash over a Host Identifier (public key of an asymmetric key-pair). The HIT has an important security property that it is self-certifying and the server verifies that sender of the update had the corresponding private key, therefore no additional pre-configured keys are needed.

3) What is the hiprg opinion about reverse names? We have some discussions in DNSOP.

I can't speak on behalf of the group, but personally I prefer to see human-readable names instead of random hex sequences. They may be used for reputation purposes and access control in the legacy applications. When two HIP hosts comminucate only to each other, they may exchange their host names and resolve peer's HIT to its hostname locally. But 1) it's not implemented 2) it does not work, when there are intermediate hosts. We want to allow the HIP hosts to publish their hostnames.

4) Did you think of the operator's burden of managing all the HIT's?

Host Identities are self-generated keys, there is no hierarchical delegation or manual actions on the updates. If the host key is lost, its identity can't be used anyway.

5) Peter: Is there consensus in hiprg?

Two out of the three HIP implementations (with most users) support HIT->IP with OpenDHT. Our hit-to-ip interface is supported in HIPL implementation and we had much more positive experience. There is for _experimental_ use.

I will be glad to receive any comments and answer any questions I possibly forgot.

Regards, Oleg.
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