No hat of any kind.  Not even my boater, which I will soon be sad to
put away again.

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 12:11:29PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
> People don't move house very often.

Speak for yourself!

But anyway, I think we have clearly crossed the Rubicon of folly if we
think that the IETF's beliefs about what is "sensible", "reasonable",
"sane", or even "fiscally responsible" will have one iota of effect on
what ISPs actually do.  

This is reputedly an _operations_ working group.  If we seriously
propose to try to tell the community of operators that they oughta do
$X if they know what's good for them, I suggest that participants here
need to spend some more time reading the lists of NANOG and friends.

I claim that we need to provide support for the network that people
are actually building.  That often includes things that we would not
do ourselves, and that we think would be better done otherwise.  But I
also claim that if we say, "You shouldn't do $CHEAPTHING, you should
do $OTHERTHING," we're going to lose.  We've lost every single time on
this.  Why is now different?  And if it's not, shouldn't we learn?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
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