On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:26 PM, <bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com> wrote:

> > within the IETF, which also of course brings us to the question of how
> > many people of color are management within the IETF?.
>        All of them.  No person that I am aware of in the ietf management
>        chain are transparent - all reflect light at various points on
>        the spectrum.  With this information, you may now make the claim
>        that the IETF management is opaque, lacking transparency... and
>        you would be technically correct.
Bill. You disappoint me. Your being evasive. Todd is asking you how many
people in management positions at the IETF are black. Or as they used to
call them in the ol south - People of "color" or  "Negroes" or the more
vulgar derisive and offensive term "niggers".

joe baptista
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