I apologize for waiting until the last minute to make updates.

Earlier versions of this draft have been discussed on-list and at the last
two IETF 

meetings:   draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns-03


Comments from the last meeting were as follows; I think I have responded to 

all of them in the new draft, except the last one, since I did not know what

changes were expected.


1. Need to retrack to Informational.  Done.


2. Add comment that same considerations may apply to SOHO/SMB.  Done.


3. There was a comment to the effect of, "Let's not codify recommendations 

that say, 'Don't do this because CPE can't handle it,' if we want CPE to

it.  Leave room for Homegate to improve the situation."

Leaving room for Homegate to decide what CPE should do, I softened some 

language in 2.3.3 and 2.3.5.  Instead of saying, "This isn't available
today," I 

say, "This <specific> functionality would be required to do this."


4.  Once ISPs get their head around IPv6, they quickly ask, "How am I going 

to do rDNS?"  So, please continue with this.  Done.


5.  Excellent, detailed comments from Jinmei on list last November,

some bad formatting, arithmetic, references.

One particularly good correction was where I had questioned whether

could coexist with more-specific records, and Jinmei pointed out that it was

clear that a more-specific would be returned.  Thank you very much.


6.  You won't even get consensus on "Security Considerations" section.  Are 

there objections to the Security Considerations section?  Or any of the rest

the draft?













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