> Hmm, you're right, IF the A records are accepted in the additional section, 
> true, A records could be added to the RRSET for some of the names.  
> But frankly speaking, thats "ADDITIONAL", and shouldn't really be accepted at 
> all, and if the resolver DOES cache it, I'd personally call it a bug.

It may be a bug, but I suspect many existing resolvers will use it.

For the priming query, a resolver has to accept glue, it's the purpose of the 
query ( and a special case ).

It might be considered a bug for glue to be sent with a response that is not a 
referral, except for the priming query.

The main (only?) reason for sending the NS RRset in an Authoritative response
( other than as a direct answer to the question ) is in case the client has not 
discovered the zone ( because it's a child zone is hosted on the same server ),
and in this case, glue is not required, let alone signed glue.

However it could be considered a valid optimization, and it's what most 
existing implementations seem to do.

Anyway, do we yet agree that 1450 is the best default for max-udp-size, and 
that higher values are dangerous?
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