Dear WG,

Stephen and myself have worked together to review the status of the various
WG documents and to distribute shepherding responsibilities. This will allow
us to clear the backlog.
Instead of going through these in the WG meeting later today, we'd
like to present the list here, so it is also immediately available
to remote (or non-) participants.  Please bring up questions during
the meeting or on the list.

The table covers official WG documents, including those formally

Name (draft-ietf-dnsop-)          Version Type Status WGLC Shepherd
------------------------          ------- ---- ------ ---- --------
name-server-management-reqs          03   Info Expire Y    Peter
default-local-zones                  09   BCP  Active Y    Stephen
repsize                              11   Info Expire Y    Peter
as112-ops                            03   Info Active      Peter
as112-under-attack-help-help         03   Info Active      Peter
dnssec-trust-anchor                  03   Info Expire      Stephen
reverse-mapping-considerations       06   BCP  Expire Y    [TBD]
dnssec-dps-framework                 01   Info Active      Stephen
dnssec-trust-history                 01   Std? Active      Stephen
resolver-priming                     02   BCP  Active      Stephen
rfc4641bis                           02   BCP  Active      Peter

Status: Current status - Active or Expired
WGLC:   Y if this document has been the subject of a working group last call

The drafts are listed in the rough order the chairs intend to tackle them,
although there is bound to be some overlap and shuffling around as things

-- Stephen & Peter
DNSOP mailing list

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