as the admin for  the IPv6 wg declared that
 should be terminated on 6/6/06 - along with the 6bone.  David
 Conrad removed the delegation shortly there after, even though
 there are still resolvers which look for that delegation instead
 of the zone - which functions as its replacement.  I had
 proposed using the "DNAME" construct to allow the 10+ years of 
 resolver code that was/is using to continue to function
 well ... but this idea was rejected by the IANA.


On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 03:22:59PM +0200, Alfred Hvnes wrote:
> Folks,
> skimming over your most recent "Locally-served DNS Zones I-D",
> draft-ietf-dnsop-default-local-zones-11, I got stuck in section 5.
> The 4th paragraph of that section in the draft says:
> |  This document also ignores IP6.INT.  IP6.INT has been wound up with
> |  only legacy resolvers now generating reverse queries under IP6.INT
> |  [RFC4159].
> I had some vague recollection that IP6.INT had gone out of service
> quite some time ago, and started over to verify that.
> A copy of the INT zone is no more made available online via FTP,
> but I have checked all authoritative name servers for INT., and they
> indeed all consistently respond with NXDOMAIN to any query for IP6.INT.
> Recollection starts to leak after >4 years, and for an uninitiated
> reader, the phrase "has been wound up" seems to be rather ambiguous.
> I'd prefer the draft to state the facts more precisely so that the
> conclusion drawn can be better understood.
> Proposed strawman replacement for above clause:
> |    This document also ignores IP6.INT, which initially hosted the IPv6
> |    reverse DNS tree but does not exist any more, after it had been
> |    demissed by [RFC4159].  IP6.INT has been wound up with only legacy
> |    resolvers now generating reverse queries under IP6.INT.
> Kind regards,
>   Alfred.
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