In message <>, bmann...@vacation.ka writes:
> So ISC has allowed BIND to build with some default zones being created.  I th
> ink this
> is - to coin a phrase - suboptimal and yet more code I have to rip out of the
>  BIND distro...
> but that is not the point of this missive... :)

Your free to rip it out or you can just turn it off in named.conf
or you can change the defaults.

> I will use two of the automatically created zones to illistrate a potential p
> oint and then
> ask a question.  Mark has "bracketed" the IPv4 space with the following two z
> one stanzas:
> and

I've looked at the list of special purpost IPv4 addresses.  It just happens
that 0/8 and are special purpose blocks.
> clearly the first incalulates the entire 0/8 netblock...  while the latter on
> ly incalcualtes
> an IPv4 /32 or a host entry.

255/8 is not special purpose, just

> historically, one would define the local network with preceeding zeros, e.g. 
>  with a netmask of  is the host .152 on the loc
> al network
> and only the "all-zeros" /32 or was special - reserved for broadca
> st.
> and yet we see the ISC code reserving the entire /8 as an automatic zone.

0/8 is the local network for a /8 sized network or don't you think
nameservers should be able to handle that sized local networks.  Not
all networks are /24's.

> If there was any consistancy here, ISC should have created the zone
>   or the 255/8 netblock 
> but they did not.  They created a zone cut for a /32 - which (other than zome
>  of my own
> older configurations) seems to be unique.

The zones are consistant with RFC5735 and with operational practice.

> So the question -  how common do we expect /32 delegations to become in futur
> e?

>From IN-ADDR.ARPA or from some other zone to handle /25-/32 sized
delegations without using the techniques in RFC2317?  I know there
are people that argue that one shouldn't do RFC2317 style delegations
so for the latter I would say a lot.  For the former I don't expect
any unless we create special purpose blocks smaller than /24.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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