In message <p06240867c8385b270...@[]>, Paul Hoffman writes:
> At 4:23 PM -0400 6/11/10, Derek Diget wrote:
> >Raising hand timidly....
> In this group!? :-)
> >Instead of listing the zones in section 4 (which then will get hard
> >coded into implementations), follow section 6 and register the zones in
> >the new/to-be-created IANA assignment registry.  This will force
> >implementations to go look at the assignment registry and maybe more
> >aware of the dynamic nature of some of these zones.  As the draft is
> >now, some implementors probably will stop reading after section 5. :(
> Good call. +1

The zone listed are intended to be stable enough in usage that they
can be frozen in code.  Zones added to the registry should be of a
similar level of stability.  It would be a very rare event for a
zone to be removed from the registry and it would take decades, if
ever, that the zone would be untainted.

Mark Andrews, ISC
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