> A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-05.txt has been 
> successfully submitted by Olaf Kolkman and posted to the IETF repository.
> Filename:      draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis
> Revision:      05
> Title:                 DNSSEC Operational Practices, Version 2
> Creation_date:         2010-10-21
> WG ID:                 dnsop
> Number_of_pages: 64
> [...]

Highlights: In addition to fixing some editorial nits version 5 tries to 
address substantive issues brought up by review of version 4.

[1]  The thread starting with:
        From:   Matthijs Mekking <matth...@nlnetlabs.nl>
        Subject:        [DNSOP] 4641bis (draft 3 and 4) review - largely 5011 
        Date:   August 5, 2010 9:43:42 AM GMT+02:00
        To:     dnsop WG <dnsop@ietf.org>

Suggests some fixes to the document. I've applied these. 

[2] The thread starting at:
        From:   Matthijs Mekking <matth...@nlnetlabs.nl>
        Subject:        Re: [DNSOP] algorithm rollover use cases (was: Signed 
TLD status)
        Date:   September 30, 2010 3:13:37 PM GMT+02:00
        To:     dnsop WG <dnsop@ietf.org>

Contained more text on algorithm rollover combined with RFC5011 rollovers.

Chairs, would you be so kind to consider this document for last call?



Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140, 
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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