
The Beijing WG meeting is now only a week away and the agenda can be found at

The main part of the meeting will be the discussion on the development of a 
nameserver management protocol.  Peter has described the background to this 
(  The format 
will be that of two presentations, each outlining a different approach, 
followed by an open-microphone discussion.  For the discussion to be of most 
use, it will be really helpful if you have read the relevant drafts:

* draft-kong-dns-conf-auto-sync-01
* draft-dickinson-dnsop-nameserver-control-01

... as well as the nameserver management requirements draft, which is now with 
the IESG:

* draft-ietf-dnsop-name-server-management-reqs-04


Stephen & Peter
DNSOP co-chairs
DNSOP mailing list

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