It is now going to be two weeks since the IANA ITAR has been
factually decommissioned, but still the last entry that has
been removed from the ITAR, the DS record for the ARPA. zone,
has not been placed into the root zone -- as confirmed by
today's TLD DNSSEC Report:
  <> .

Isn't that a shame, another discredit of bureaucracy ?

I agree that the planned decommissionning was not an emergency,
but couldn't it be expected that, after the final date had been
published *four* weeks ago, the procedures for the ITAR and the
Root zone could have been reasonably coordinated?

Kind regards,


| TR-Sys Alfred Hoenes   |  Alfred Hoenes   Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Phys.  |
| Gerlinger Strasse 12   |  Phone: (+49)7156/9635-0, Fax: -18         |
| D-71254  Ditzingen     |  E-Mail:                     |

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