On Thu, 28 Jul 2011, Warren Kumari wrote:

On Jul 27, 2011, at 10:08 PM, William F. Maton Sotomayor wrote:

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011, George Michaelson wrote:

I would support this latter approach William: I think we should seek WG 
adoption of three drafts

1) the michaelson as112-ipv6 draft, aiming for at least one 01 spin to a small 
set of non-controversial V6 delegations, moving to WGLC and IANA asap.

2) your as112-ipv4-cull draft, but shorn of the operational aspects, likewise 
rapid movement to WGLC and IANA

For the consideration of members of DNSOP to adopt as a working group item, -01 
of my draft has been submitted.

3) an AS112 operational draft more in the nature of 6304/5/bis

This one will follow a little later, I suspect more expanded than before.

I would like to ask for WG adoption of AS112-IPv6 on that basis.

+1, especially since some as112 natives are getting restless.

I made a suggestion at the mic in the f2f meeting, and then on the as112 
operators list -- there seems to be some support for it there, so I'm now doing 
it onlist?

How about simply making AS112 omniscient (know the answers for *all* space)? As 
decisions to have AS112 answer / not answer for zones get made, delegations can 
simply be added and removed.

As I said in as112-ops, it's a bold suggestion with which I have no objections to on the surface - haven't yet synthesised (er, sorry) deeper thought over though. But then I'm not a root-server nor .arpa operator.

Obviously this would require synthesizing answers[0], and these servers cannot 
be used for answering recursive queries (and a few other minor issues) but this 
will (as far as I can see) solve the lameness / coordination issues...

So I wonder if a draft were written suggesting AS112 omniscince, whether the discussion in draft-iab-dns-synthesis-concerns might be worth looking through to include.


[0]: Yes, yes i *did* feel dirty writing that?.


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