On 2012-06-05, at 08:28, Gilles Massen wrote:

> One set of root servers fills the additional section with 2 names, and
> their v4 and v6 addresses. But it's always the same two servers,
> indepently of the server asked. The other set answers with a bit more
> servers, but only v4 adresses, and here again, always the same list.

It might be instructive to spell out what query you tried, and what your 
results were (per letter).

Some root servers are not shy about telling the world what software they are 
running, but others prefer to obfuscate:

[krill:~]% for n in $(jot -c 13 a)     
for> do echo "${n}: $(dig @${n}.root-servers.net version.bind ch txt +short)"
for> done
a: "This space intentionally left blank"
b: "4.8.1"
c: "c-root"
d: "9.8.1-P1"
f: "9.7.4"
g: ""
h: "NSD 3.2.10"
i: "contact i...@netnod.se"
j: "This space intentionally left blank"
k: "NSD 3.2.8"
l: "NSD 3.2.8"
m: "9.7.3-P3"

I can confirm the version string for L is accurate. The versions shown above 
for D, F, H, K and M look plausible to me, although I can't speak 
authoritatively about what they are doing.

If you wanted to nail down the different behaviour to particular versions of 
software, the rootops are all here and will no doubt crawl out of the woodwork 
if there are questions to answer.


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