On 2/18/13 4:56 PM, "Mark Andrews" <ma...@isc.org> wrote:

>In message <51228dfb.3070...@ogud.com>, Olafur Gudmundsson writes:
>> Jason, in section 10 you talk about possible early removal the NTA when
>>validation succeeds but there may be instances where validation succeeds
>>when using a sub-set of the authoritative servers thus NTA should only
>>be removed if all servers are providing "good" signatures.
>Why?  This is no different to a server being down.  Validators are
>expected to ignore bad answers so a conforming resolver will find
>the working copies of the zone.

I suppose it is sometimes hard to verify - as each auth NS must be
checked. It is a corner case, but seen in the wild. I'll take a stab at
trying to address it, and if you think it goes into too much detail or is
too obvious, please say so. :-)

>>What this is bringing to my mind is maybe you want a new section with
>> guidelines on how to test for failures and in what cases failure
>> justifies NTA and what tests MUST pass before preemttive removal of an
>> NTA. Also should there be guidance that removal of NTA should include
>> cleaning the caches of all RRsets below the name?

>There are lots of ways to stuff up DNSSEC.  There are different steps
>that can be taken to cleanup after such stuff ups.  We don't need to
>describe those steps.

Quite so! I think this can be addressed simply in one or two sentences. If
it seems unnecessary (as above) once I add it, say so.


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