Sorry to be late on this, missed it earlier.
Nxd says there is no such name, no matter what the type was, and there are no
children. No data/noerror says there are either other types or children or
both. We know what the truth must be and we know which implications we want the
requestor to follow. Right? Is there any doubt at all or any ambiguity in what
we want said? ... Paul
Joe Abley <> wrote:
>On 2013-02-22, at 07:57, Paul Vixie <> wrote:
>> if we can't return nxdomain, then i'm opposed to the omniscient spec,
>> and we should continue as before, enumerating on the responding
>> every zone to which we wish to delegate.
>> noerror/nodata is the wrong answer.
>It does smell a bit wrong, but I'm interested in more details of why
>you think that if it's more than just the smell.
>I'll note that the proposal is to assign new nameservers to be
>omniscient, and not to convert the existing ones. We are then in a
>position to delegate other local-zoneish zones to the new servers and
>review the impact.
>So, the suggestion is not to replace the existing AS112 servers
>(blackhole-1, blackhole-2 and prisoner) out of the gate. Any such
>replacement would happen later, once there was some degree of comfort
>that it was safe to do that.
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