Chiming in a bit late here, however, the availability of stratum 1 clocks
and stratum 2 class time data on non IP and/or non interconnected networks
is now so large, I question why one would run NTP outside of the building
in many cases, certainly in an enterprise of any size.

A 1pulse per second aligned to GPS is good to a few ns. Fairly
straightforward to plug into even a OpenWrt type of router. Turn on the pps
in NTP on the router and you are good to go.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Evan Hunt <> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 05:59:52PM -0400, Olafur Gudmundsson wrote:
> > My colleagues and I worked on OpenWrt routers to get Unbound to work
> > there, what you need to do is to start DNS up in non-validating mode wait
> > for NTP to fix time, then check if the link allows DNSSEC answers
> > through, at which point you can enable DNSSEC validation.
> That's roughly what we did with BIND on OpenWrt/CeroWrt as well.  We
> also discussed hacking NTP to set the CD bit on its initial DNS queries,
> but I don't think any of the code made it upstream.
> My real recommendation would be to run an NTP pool in an anycast cloud of
> well-known v4 and v6 addresses guaranteed to be reliable over a period of
> years. NTP could then fall back to those addresses if unable to look up the
> server it was configured to use.  DNS relies on a well-known set of root
> server addresses for bootstrapping; I don't see why NTP shouldn't do the
> same.
> (Actually... the root nameservers could *almost* provide a workable time
> tick for bootstrapping purposes right now: the SOA record for the root
> zone encodes today's date in the serial number.  So you do the SOA lookup,
> set your system clock, attempt validation; on failure, set the clock an
> hour forward and try again; on success, use NTP to fine-tune. Klugey! :) )
> --
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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