At Thu, 7 Nov 2013 06:53:28 +0100,
Daniel Migault <> wrote:

> Thanks for the complete answer. As you mention, this benefits not only the
> end users but also authoritative and resolving servers (especially with

It's already noted in this thread, but: I'd note that's a benefit only
if the resolving server doesn't unify the same query from multiple
clients while it resolves it.  For those implementations (like ISC
BIND 9) that do this unification, prefetching would only increase
(although maybe marginally) external query/responses and only increase
the authoritative server's load.  So, this is not an inherent benefit
of prefetch itself, but one for a particular type of implementation.

I'm not saying this to insist prefetch is a bad idea, though.
Reducing worst-case latency for end clients, (again, perhaps
marginally) is an inherent benefit of prefetching for all types of
resolver implementations, for example.  I just wanted to clarify one
minor detail.

JINMEI, Tatuya
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