At Fri, 7 Feb 2014 13:26:53 -0500,
Olafur Gudmundsson <> wrote:

> > In that, technically, an empty CDS / CDNSKEY RRset should mean the DS
> > RRset at the parent should be empty.  I have no problem with treating
> > an empty set as an exception, but I think it would help if the draft
> > explains that more explicitly.
> Semantics semantics,  
> No we are defining the semantics to be "IF C* is published parent DS should 
> mirror that,
> if no C* in child --> parent has no action to perform" 

Yes, I now understand that.  Please see my latest response to Warren;
I still think it helps to clarify that explicitly.

> > I'd also note that "absence of CDS" (or CDNSKEY) cannot happen once
> > one such RR is published, and it should mean something erroneous (most
> > likely an operation error at the child or a bug in its tool).  I think
> > it's worth noting in Section 4.1
> Why?
> Here is a perfectly fine time line
> <At start parent DS reflects key A and child uses A to sign DNSKEY RRset> 
> Child publishes CDS with A and B 
> Parent updates DS to reflect A and B 
> Child deletes CDS   

Right, I was still a bit confused here.  Now I understand it, but I
also wonder why would the child deletes the CDS's (again, please see
my latest response to Warren).

> Do you think it is helpful to add an appendix with some examples of use of C* 
> records ? 

Yes, I think so (I don't think I wouldn't need the example myself now
that I understand it, but I guess it helps other fresh readers:-).

> > Finally, I'd suggest explicitly clarifying that CDS / CDNSKEY cannot
> > be used for a child from signed to unsigned (since it would have to
> > remove all CDS / CDNSKEY records to do so).  And, I suspect this is a
> > "MUST NOT", unlike the case of initial enrollment described in Section
> > 9, because this would break interoperability.
> > 
> In theory we can use C* to perform the Going-Unsigned operation, and earlier 
> version of this
> document proposed that, but people objected and we removed that text. 
> We explicitly outlaw going from Unsigned --> Signed w/o some out-of-band 
> validation. 

That's fine.  I just tried to point out that (even if allowed)
"removing all *Cs as a signal of signed->unsigned" and the "no change
if no *Cs rule" can't coexist.

JINMEI, Tatuya
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