domain ENAME domain {0|1} [type list of included / excluded types]
                (0 == include, 1 == exclude)

        "domain ENAME domain 1" is equivalent to "domain CNAME domain"
                (exclude nothing)

        "domain ENAME domain 1 NS DNSKEY SOA" is CNAME at apex

        "domain ENAME domain 1 NS DNSKEY SOA DNAME"  +
        "domain DNAME domain" is full zone remapping.
        "domain ENAME domain 0 A AAAA" is address redirect

        This would require a dnssec algorithm bump.

        The server would synthesis CNAME in the response for plain
        and EDNS(0) queries with a TTL of 0 unless the type vector
        is zero in which case the TTL will match that of the ENAME.
        ENAME is not returned.

        The server would return ENAME in EDNS(>0) queries.

        A request for a ENAME record will return a ENAME records
        independent of EDNS versions.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE:  +61 2 9871 4742                  INTERNET:

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