Greetings again. I have a need for expressing DNS messages in JSON for an 
application I have written. Stephane and I had started to work on this but 
ended up dropping it. draft-dulaunoy-kaplan-passive-dns-cof comes at the same 
problem from another direction, but it is specific for one problem space and 
isn't using real JSON.

So, I whipped this one up. I intend it to be Experimental because I have no 
idea if anyone other than me wants it. Also, I don't think it should be a WG 
document if only a few folks have need for the format. However, I would love to 
heard comments and suggestions.

--Paul Hoffman

A new version of I-D, draft-hoffman-dns-in-json-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Paul Hoffman and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:           draft-hoffman-dns-in-json
Revision:       00
Title:          Representing DNS Messages in JSON
Document date:  2014-08-20
Group:          Individual Submission
Pages:          10

  Some applications use DNS messages, or parts of DNS messages, as
  data.  For example, a system that captures DNS queries and responses
  might want to be able to easily search those without having to decode
  the messages each time.  Another example is a system that puts
  together DNS queries and responses from message parts.  This document
  fully describes a standardized format for DNS message data in JSON.

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