As Tony Finch observed, the benefit is only seen when SEP failures occur,
most often in key-rolls. I'd argue that the vast majority of observed
DNSSEC failures have been of the key-roll (or initial set-up) variety with
mismatches between DS and DNSKEY, but otherwise properly signed (by ZSK)

Also, my assumption about what is needed to fix this (beyond NTA) was
WRONG. :-)
(It is amazing what you learn by setting up test cases and observing
behavior. Also, "delv" rocks.)

The good news is, for most cases, setting up a DLV-based "fix" can be done,
with only the DNSKEY(KSK).
I.e. modifying responses is not required AT ALL, and no new DNSKEYs or
signatures are needed.

(Please ignore my previous responses.)

Long version:

In order to assist validating forwarders, broken DNSSEC zones can be
"repaired" using DLV, and ONLY DLV.

Take the result of "dnssec-dsfromkey" for the apex KSK, append the DLV
domain name to the owner names.
Insert into the DLV zone, sign, bazinga. Use of this DLV, with the modified
suite of bind tools, securely resolves.

As currently implemented in BIND-9.10.1, a modification is needed to
The good news is, it is a one-line change.
Basically, it changes the logic, if no DS->DNSKEY validated match can be
made, to fall through to use DLV.

(In the current logic, DLV is only queried if no DS exists above a secure
zone, from a secure zone. The change extends the logic to make this "no
VALID DS" instead of "no DS".)

No changes to the answers served by a resolver (who is the target of
forwarders) are required.

There is not even a requirement that the NTA resolver operator be the
operator of the "fix-up" DLV.

Given the relative rarity of DNSSEC failures which do not get fixed quickly
enough relative to their perceived value, it may be worth asking for
volunteers to run one (or more) centralized fix-up DLV instances.

So, other than the operational implications to downstream validators of
NTA-implementing resolvers, it may be sufficient to add the observation
regarding DLV as a possible way of fixing broken DS->DNSKEY (on a
third-party basis) as a sub-paragraph.

Hope this helps, and is worth consideration for addition to the draft.

Suggested text and location: New paragraph just before the last paragraph
of section 8:

In addition to configuring a Negative Trust Anchor, implementors MAY choose
to also

implement a DNSSEC Lookaside Validator (DLV) zone, containing appropriate
material to provide an alternative Secure Entry Point (SEP) into affected

Individual DLV records consistent with apex KSK records at the
corresponding DLV name,
when referenced by validating resolvers (and/or forwarders), permit DNSSEC
of the affected zone(s). Such DLV registries may be operated by NTA
or by other (presumably trustworthy) parties.

(If anyone wants a suite of test zones demonstrating the before/after
behavior, I am more than happy to provide them. Perhaps they would be
useful in another Appendix?)

Brian Dickson

The patch needed for 9.10.1 (which may work on other bind branches) is as

*diff --git a/lib/dns/validator.c b/lib/dns/validator.c*

*index 88bfaef..31e9425 100644*

*--- a/lib/dns/validator.c*

*+++ b/lib/dns/validator.c*

@@ -2274,7 +2274,8 @@ validatezonekey(dns_validator_t *val) {

        } else {

                validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_INFO,

                              "no valid signature found (DS)");

-               return (DNS_R_NOVALIDSIG);

+               return (startfinddlvsep(val, val->event->name));

+               /* WAS return (DNS_R_NOVALIDSIG); */



On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 8:30 PM, Brian Dickson <
> wrote:

> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Nov 1, 2014, at 4:30 PM, Warren Kumari <> wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Brian Dickson
> > <> wrote:
> >> I think it is good to minimize disruption caused by broken DNSSEC
> domains,
> >> for all the reasons listed in the document.
> >>
> >> However, I also believe there is a second-order negative effect of
> >> implementing NTAs as described.
> >>
> >> Validating stub resolvers and validating forwarding resolvers, will
> still
> >> break.
> >
> > Yup. This is a feature, not a bug.
> >
> > NTA only makes the local / "ISP resolver" not perform validation for
> > the domain. Anyone "downstream" who is doing validation will still
> > perform the validation, and this will fail -- this is, IMO, the right
> > thing to have happen.
> > Downstream validators are presumably a: more security conscious and b:
> > more able to troubleshoot DNS issues than my auntie.
> There is subtlety in using DLV instances.
> On the one hand, passing along answers that have known DNSSEC validation
> problems avoids blocking your auntie.
> On the other hand, if it is known to have problems, stitching things up in
> ways that still don't validate without use of DLV isn't really any worse.
> And on the gripping hand, adding the fix in DLV, for only those who have
> configured that specific DLV, means those clients are able to validate.
> Furthermore, those doing advanced level DNS operations are unlikely to use
> NTA implementer services.
> And, IMHO, advanced operators could signal a desire for unmodified answers
> the traditional way, via the CD bit.
> Adding the DLV function provides a scaling benefit in terms of how many
> validating forwarders need to make the NTA mod to resolve the affected
> domain. Without DLV, there is still an incentive to turn off validation --
> which is what NTA is explicitly trying to prevent.
> Having forwarders validate should be something we all encourage and
> support, especially in this sort of document.
> I definitely think it is up to each operator as to whether they do this.
> However, I would like this to be included in the draft as an optional
> aspect of setting up NTAs, so that operators can evaluate the pros and
> cons, and make informed choices.
> Brian
> >
> > There is a big difference between handing back an answer as though you
> > are not a validator (the NTA), and signing someone else's answer.
> >
> > W
> >
> >> I do have a suggestion, which I hope is worth exploring and considering.
> >>
> >> For anyone using an open, well-known resolver (either provided by their
> ISP,
> >> or operated as a "public service"), include instructions on use of a
> >> provider-specific DLV and provider-specific "alternative trust anchor
> >> (DNSKEY)".
> >>
> >> Whenever it is necessary to over-ride broken DNSSEC zones, most likely
> on
> >> the Secure Entry Point, do the following:
> >> (1) Add a KSK to the apex DNSKEY RRset. For convenience use the same
> KSK for
> >> all such instances, and publish the public DNSKEY used.
> >> (2) Sign the apex DNSKEY RRset with this new KSK
> >> (3) Add this KSK into the DLV operated by the resolver operator at the
> >> appropriate location. For example, if is broken, put the
> KSK at
> >>, if the operator of the public resolver is
> >>
> >> (4) Observe successful validation of by anyone configured
> to use
> >> as their DLV.
> >>
> >> I haven't tried this, and there might be some specific modifications to
> what
> >> I described needed to make the configuration correct/functional. I don't
> >> believe it introduces new insecurities to anyone who already has placed
> >> trust in the resolver at
> >> (Is it the case that things that use DLV validate the chain of trust to
> the
> >> DLV itself, from the root, if there is not a separate trust anchor for
> the
> >> DLV zone? That would be optimal, security-wise, I believe.)
> >>
> >> Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Brian Dickson
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
> > idea in the first place.
> > This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
> > regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
> > of pants.
> >   ---maf
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