Can we change the name, please?

Spartacus Club was the name of the pedophile rapist organization at
the center of the on ongoing UK criminal enquiry involving 8 MPs and
three police forces. There is also an international dimension.

There is a significant probability it is going to become a PR
liability. Like having a protocol called BINLADEN or EBOLA.

Of lesser import is that this is now a trigger word for me having
reviewed some of the evidence for a report on the activities.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer <> wrote:
> Does anyone know how Spartacus
> (draft-dickson-dnsop-spartacus-{lang,system}, on the agenda for today)
> handles new record types that may be invented tomorrow? I find nothing
> in the drafts, which describe the JSON structure for today's record
> types, but not for future types.
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