
This call for adoption closed earlier this week, during IETF91.

We see significant support in the WG for working on 
draft-vandergaast-dnsop-edns-client-subnet.  We're adopting it as a WG item. 

Thanks to the authors for reviving it, please resubmit with any changes you 
have pending as "draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-client-subnet-00.txt"

Paul Hoffman as WG secretary will be reminding the folks who offered to review. 
Please post reviews and comments on the list to promote discussion.

Suzanne & Tim

On Oct 28, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Suzanne Woolf <> wrote:

> Dear DNSOP WG,
> This draft documents the specification, use, and cautions regarding the 
> "client-subnet" EDNS option. Please consider adoption of this draft as a WG 
> work item.
> As some of you will remember, this is a successor to a draft that was 
> considered in DNSEXT some time ago and eventually expired without formal 
> action. Since then, the option codepoint has been granted under the 
> appropriate registry policy (expert review) and the option is in significant 
> operational use. 
> The topic has come up more than once on the WG mailing list, with some 
> vigorous discussion, so a couple of the original authors and a couple of new 
> people have revived the draft in the interests of documenting the option, 
> including specific behavior and cautions in its use.
> The draft is available here: 
> Please review to see if you think this document is suitable for adoption by 
> DNSOP and comment to the list. 
> Please state your view, your reasons, and (if you're in favor of adoption) 
> whether you are willing to contribute text, review, etc.
> This call for adoption ends Tuesday 11-Nov.-2014, end of the day wherever you 
> happen to be. This is the same day as our WG meeting at IETF 91.
> Thanks,
> Suzanne Woolf
> DNSOP co-chair

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