Francis Dupont <> wrote:

> I try a new tool which sends multiple queries to check which
> authoritative nameserver implementations support out-of-order responses
> with a funny result!

You can use adns to do this test too, e.g. with the --tcp query option to
adnshost. (Caveat: adnshost does not have any built-in backpressure so it
isn't great for bulk DNS lookups. I usually hack adnsresfilter for special
bulk lookup jobs like comparing performance of TCP-only with UDP-first.)

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Plymouth, Biscay, Fitzroy: Southwesterly 3 or 4 in south Fitzroy and south
Biscay for a time, otherwise southwesterly 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 for a
time. Rough or very rough. Rain or showers. Moderate or good, occasionally

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