On 19-01-15 18:43, Bob Harold wrote:
> More comments inline.
> -- 
> Bob Harold
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:50 AM, Matthijs Mekking
> <matth...@pletterpet.nl <mailto:matth...@pletterpet.nl>> wrote:
>     On 16-01-15 23:04, Bob Harold wrote:
>     > There seem to be a lot of "set CLASS to ANY" in the spec.  But I thought
>     > that a.b.c class IN was totally unrelated to a.b.c class CHAOS, and
>     > deleting or changing one should not affect the other.  Or am I
>     To clarify: A record with its CLASS set to ANY does *not* mean to
>     delete/change the record in all available classes. Note that an XFR is
>     encapsulated in SOA records that determine the zone name and class (see
>     Figure 2). Only changes in the zone matching that name and class will be
>     made.
> Thanks for explaining.  I think it would help to mention that somewhere
> in the document.

Okay, I created an issue for this: https://github.com/matje/dynixfr/issues/5

>     > confused?  And everything in the zone must be in the same CLASS, so can
>     > we drop the CLASS completely?
>     Because everything in the zone must be in the same CLASS, we could drop
>     it, bit we cam also reuse the CLASS field to introduce new
>     functionality. That is what is being done here.
> I only see one place, at the end of 4.1, where it is suggested that
> CLASS might be used for something else.  Am I missing something? 

I am not sure what place you are referring to, but sections 3.4 to 3.7
explain the functionality when CLASS is set to ANY.

Best regards,

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